Conference Program
Conference Program – click here to view
QCCG Forum Agenda – click here to view
7th Queensland Coastal Forum
Date: Tuesday 12 May 2009
Location: Sea World Resort, Gold Coast
Cost: $60.00
The Qld Coastal Councils Group supports councils across Queensland
who manage coastal areas. The group meets formally at the Qld
Coastal Forum which is an event focusing on Local Government
efforts in managing the Queensland coastal zone. The Qld Coastal
Forum is open to any Local Government officer, or Councillor
who is involved in the management of the coastal zone (planning/engineering/maintenance
activities etc). The event is particularly useful, as the issues
discussed and workshopped at the Forum allow attendees to hear
about new or emerging ways to manage coastlines/waterways, how
issues or problems have been solved, and provides a valuable
networking opportunity. While the Coastal Forum is focused on
Local Government issues, coastal managers from other sectors
who interact with Local Government are encouraged to attend.
Hosted by Queensland Coastal Councils Group
with support from
South East Queensland Catchments
Queensland Coastal Conference Steering Committee
Keynote Speakers |
Mike Berwick AM
Mike was Mayor of the Douglas Shire previous to the amalgamation with Cairns City Council in March 2008. He is known for this advocacy and actions to promote suitable development in the shire and elsewhere.
He is involved in a wide range of local, state and national land management groups including Queensland's representative on the National NRM Working Group, Chair of Terrain Natural Resource Management Board, Chair of Regional Groups Collective, Chair of the Cape York Peninsula Regional Advisory Committee and Chair of the Tropical Landscape Joint Venture.
Mike has been chair of the Coastal CRC National Stakeholder Advisory Committee, North Queensland Afforestation, and the Local Authority Waste Management Advisory Group.
He is a former member of the Rainforest CRC Board, the Queensland Vegetation Advisory Committee, the Sugar Industry Guidance Group, the National Biodiversity Advisory Committee, the National Sea Change Task Force executive and the Daintree Planning Co-ordination Group. Mike is also the author of the National Local Government Biodiversity Strategy.
In the recent Queens Birthday Honours Mike was awarded the Order of Australia for Service to conservation and the environment through initiatives supporting the preservation of the Daintree Rainforest and far north Queensland, to local government, and to the community of Douglas Shire. |
Napcia Bin Tahal
Ms Napcia Bin Tahal is the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) Member for Horn and Prince of Wales Islands, and is the TSRA Deputy Chairperson. Ms Bin Tahal also carries portfolio responsibility for Housing and Infrastructure with the TSRA. In addition to this, Ms Bin Tahal is the Deputy Mayor for the Torres Shire Council.
Ms Bin Tahal aims for long-term economic sustainability in the Torres Strait through the development of local businesses that can operate independently of Government assistance.
Torres Strait's natural resources form a significant foundation from which the region can base economic development and Ms Bin Tahal recognizes that climate change can affect the economic future of the Torres Strait. Ms Bin Tahal is an advocate for education and the sharing of information on climate change, and believes a whole of government approach, scientific research, combined with traditional knowledge is needed to maintain her peoples' island way of life and Torres Strait's economic future. |
Will Steffen
Professor Will Steffen is Executive Director of the ANU Climate Change Institute at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, and is also Science Adviser, Department of Climate Change, Australian Government. From 1998 to mid-2004, he served as Executive Director of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, based in Stockholm, Sweden. His research interests span a broad range within the field of Earth System science, with a special emphasis on terrestrial ecosystem interactions with global change; the global carbon cycle; incorporation of human processes in Earth System modelling and analysis; and sustainability, climate change and the Earth System. |
Bruce Thom
Formerly Vice-Chancellor University of New England (1994-1996), Professor Thom has held positions such as Foundation Professor of Geography, Royal Military College, Duntroon (University of New South Wales, 1977-1984); Professor of Geography University of Sydney (1985-1993); and Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research, University of Sydney (1990-1993). He holds the title of Emeritus Professor from University of Sydney. Professor Thom served as Chair of the Australian State of Environment Committee 1998-2002, and as Chair of the Coastal Council of New South Wales (1999-2004). He is Visiting Professor in the Faculty of Built Environment at the University of NSW. He served as the Visiting Professor for Coastal Management and Planning at the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources in Sydney. He also formerly held the position of Visiting Professor in the NSW Department of Planning. Professor Thom is a member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists. |
Invited Speakers |
Dr Andrew Ash
Dr Andrew Ash is the Director of the CSIRO Climate Adaptation National Research Flagship. The Flagship’s goal is to equip Australia with practical and effective adaptation options to climate change and variability and in doing so create $3 billion per annum in net benefits by 2030.
Current activities
The Climate Adaptation Flagship brings together experts from across CSIRO, and builds partnerships with research and industry groups around Australia and overseas to tackle the complex challenges involved in adapting to life in a changing climate.
As Flagship Director, Andrew is responsible for deciding research priorities, overseeing a large portfolio of research projects and managing the Flagship’s many partnerships and collaborations.
Dr Ash gives regular talks and presentations to raise awareness among government agencies, businesses and communities of the need to adapt to unavoidable climate change. As part of his role he seeks to inform stakeholders about the methods, options and approaches available to reduce the negative impacts of climate change and identify any emerging opportunities.
Prior to leading the Flagship, Andrew had over 20 years experience in understanding how climate, grazing and fire influence the productivity and health of agriculture and ecosystems in northern Australia. |
Simon Baltais
Simon Baltais is the State President of the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland, Secretary for the Queensland Conservation Council and Vice President for Sustainable Population Australia SEQ Branch. He is a participant on many state planning committees, a member of the Coastal Protection Advisory Committee and one of the authors for the State Government’s ‘State of the Region Report’. He is a strong advocate for developing ecologically sustainable communities. |
Greg Bruce
Greg Bruce is Executive Manager of Sustainability in Townsville City Council where he has has worked for fourteen years specialising in integrated coastal-water cycle management establishing "Creek to Coral" partnership with Council engineers, and working with Ergon Energy and consortium members to develop the Townsville: Queensland Solar City, and especially the Citisolar: community capacity building program and other innovative partnerships including the Townsville Network Demand Managment Pilot. |
Adam Callinan
Adam Callinan is the Manager of the Environmental Protection Agency's Multimedia Services Unit. The unit encompasses the Online Services Team who are responsible for the development, management and strategic direction of the EPA's multiple online environments.
Adam has over twenty years experience in various departments of the Government; Adam has more than a decade's experience in the area of online environment and has led many innovative campaigns that have enhanced the online capabilities of the agency's official portal and internal multimedia operating systems. His inputs have been vital during the developmental stages of CoastInfo especially in the area of website-architecture and functional features.
Adam's current focus is on the implementation of the EPA's new Web Content Management System that will move the EPA into the new era of online service and information delivery. CoastInfo will be launched on EPA's new content management system platform. |
Clive Cook
Clive has worked for just under 30 years in a number of protected areas, including Tasmania, New Zealand, Kakadu National Park, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and is currently the Senior Director for Conservation Strategy and Planning within the Parks Division of the Department of Environment and Natural Resource Management. He holds a degree in Urban and Regional Planning and majored in Natural Resource Management and Environmental law. Clive is the Chair of the Queensland Government's Natural Environment Recovery Group set up following the Pacific Adventurer oil spill. |
Diane Tarte
Diane Tarte is the Project Director of the South East Queensland Healthy Waterways Partnership and oversees the delivery of the Partnership’s regional work program. She has a background in coastal and marine ecosystem-based management, policy development and implementation, with a particular emphasis on collaborative government and non-government arrangements in natural resource management. |
Lynne Turner
Lynne Turner is the Director of the Queensland Climate Change Centre of Excellence (QCCCE), within the EPA's Office of Climate Change. Lynne was actively involved in the establishment and first stage of the Cooperative Research Centre for Coastal Zone, Estuary and Waterway Management (1998-2002) and was the principal investigator for the National Land and Water Resources Audit's National Estuary Assessment in 2000. Lynne has a strong interest in sustainability issues and has lead State of Environment Reporting initiatives in Queensland (2002-2007). Lynne is passionate about ensuring sound science is used to inform effective public policy. |
Simon Warner - "Preparing coastal communities for long-term environmental changes"
Simon Warner is Chief Executive Officer of SEQ Catchments Ltd. He is an experienced corporate manager with significant experience in a wide range of senior executive roles including Chief Operating Officer, and General Manager Logistics and Human Resources with Grainco Australia. Simon has also held Director positions with the Port of Brisbane Corporation, Bulk Terminals Australia, Australian Bulk Alliance, and Grainco Australia Limited Subsidiary Companies. He was Chairman of the National Grower Register. |
Peter Waterman
Associate Professor Peter Waterman RFD is an environmental planner with nearly 40 years professional experience working for governmental and private sector clients. Commencing work as an environmental planning consultant in 1970, Peter has carried out a large number of land use planning and environmental impact and risk assessments in all Australian States and Territories as well as overseas. Through this work Peter has become an acknowledged leader in developing integrated and holistic approaches to the sustainable environmental management of natural systems, industrial facilities and built infrastructure. Over much of his professional career his work has had a geographic focus on the coastal zone.
Currently, Peter is the Coordinator Climate Change Coasts and Catchments in the Faculty of Science, Health and Education at the University of the Sunshine Coast. In this capacity he is responsible for the delivery of nested articulated postgraduate professional development programs in Climate Change Adaptation, Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Environmental Change Management. Additionally, he undertakes applied research project with a particular emphasis on coastal vulnerability risk and adaptation assessment, regional 'climate proofing' and integrated coastal and catchment management. |