Queensland Coastal Conference shadow
Queensland Coastal Conference 2013
Castles in the Sand
Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 October, 2013
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  The conference was a verbal, pictorial and social learning success  
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Program and Speakers
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Conference Papers

The 2013 conference program featured invited keynote speakers, concurrent sessions, workshops, field trips and exhibitors. The conference had five main themes.

BARRIERS AND OPPORTUNITIES - Socio-economics, governance, legislation, tourism and natural resource economics

HELPING THE REEF FROM THE LAND - Strategic planning, land use coordination, behaviour transformation and other actions targeted at water quality outcomes by coastal managers and coastal communities for the Great Barrier Reef

RESEARCH AND INNOVATION - Latest research outcomes, technical and program innovations

LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY ACTION - Case studies and outcomes of individual and collaborative projects

COASTAL HAZARD MANAGEMENT - Technical advances in mitigation and adaptation, policy, planning and practical action

The program as it actually happened is available to download here

Papers and Presentations is available here [as permission of authors/presenters is obtained]

If you weren't able to make it to the conference here is what you missed. Pictures and stories from the conference will be available here soon





Andrew O-Neill

Using collaboration to reduce urban impacts on the Reef


Water by Design

Amelie Auge

Coastal development in the Great Barrier Reef coastal zone: Using scenarios for conservation planning


James Cook University

Bill Carter

The Status of Monitoring and Evaluation in Coastal Australia


Ella Horton

Kirra Beach Dune Regeneration Works: Large scale vegetation of artificially created coastal dunes

Bibby M. and
Lamaro R.

1,656 KB

Gecko Regen

Dominique O’Brien

Pesticides in Great Barrier Reef waters


James Cook University

Dave Anning

Valuing beach and surf tourism and recreation in Australian sea change communities

Anning, D.1,2*, Ware, D. 2, Raybould, M. 1, Lazarow, N. 3

[AnningDetal.pdf] 101 KB

1 Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, School of Business, Bond University,

2 Centre for Coastal Management, Griffith University,

3 CSIRO Climate change adaptation flagship, Canberra

*corresponding author:

Kim Badcock

Strategy for Engaging the Community in a Post-Cyclone Era - 'the lazy person's guide'


Greg Stuart

eReefs: Monitoring and modelling water quality in the Great Barrier Reef


Kieran Harper

Tropical Cyclone Oswald - Coastal Monitoring

Harper K. and
Maher J.

[HarperKandMaherJ.pdf] 3,065 KB

Coastal Impacts Unit, Queensland Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation
and the Arts (DSITIA)

Kurt Davis

Cairns Marine Plant Management Strategy process and update

Kurt Davis K. 1, Johns L. 1 and Bean A. 2

[DavisKetal.pdf] 51 KB

1Fisheries Queensland, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

2 Infrastructure Services, Cairns Regional Council.

Jason Vains

Developing a ‘whole of landscape approach’ to managing the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area


Saeed Shaeri

The Importance of Accurate Prediction of Tidal-Induced Water Level Variations in Small Tidal Inlets

Shaeri S. 1, Tomlinson R. 1, Etemad-Shahidi A. 2, Strauss D. 1.

[ShaeriSetal.pdf] 788 KB

1 Griffith Centre for Coastal Management, Griffith University,

2 School of Engineering, Griffith University.

Terry Done

Changes in coral cover at Great Barrier Reef dive sites 2001 – 2011: more ups than downs


Amelia Wenger

A decision-making tool for prioritising management actions on islands in the southern Great Barrier Reef


Leslie Mallinson

A review of plastic resin pellet distribution throughout Australia and mitigation methods for reducing spill-over into the marine environment

Mallinson L. 1, Taylor H. 2 and O’Shea O. 3

[MallinsonLetal.pdf] 564 KB

Tangaroa Blue Foundation

Allan Dale

A risk analysis across the Great Barrier Reef governance system

Dale A. 1, Vella K. 2, Pressey R. 3, Brodie J. 4,
Hugh Yorkston H. 5 and
Potts R. 2

4,924 KB

1 The Cairns Institute, James Cook University,

2 Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University

3 Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, James Cook University,

4 Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, James Cook University,

5 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority.

Sel Sultmann

The way forward in adapting to coastal hazards in Queensland

Sel S., Mark A.

[AllenMandSultmannS.pdf] 790 KB

Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland Government.

John Maher

Gulf of Carpentaria Storm Tide and Inundation Study


Allan Dale

Integrated catchment-to-coast planning: using social network analysis to untangle connections in the governance of natural resource management

Jorge Alvarez-Romero


Jennifer Roughan

Coastal hazards: the land use and development policy response

Roughan J.

[RoughanJ.pdf] 72 KB

Buckley Vann Town Planning Consultants

Angus Jackson

Adaptable Design in Response to Uncertainty: A Noosa River Case Study


Mark Gibbs

Barriers to Sea level Rise Adaptation: Asset Anchoring


Peter Gibson

Managing Coastal Hazards in the Burdekin Dry Tropics

¹ Peter Gibson P.¹ Rochae Cameron R. and ² Andrew Hannay A.

[GibsonPetal.pdf] 519 KB

¹ NQ Dry Tropics

² Townsville City Council

Marina Farr

Taking a closer look at Boating, Fishing and Fish in the GBR

Marina Farr M. 1,
Stoeckl N. 2 and
Sutton S. 3

[FarrMetal.pdf] 618 KB

1 School of Business, James Cook University,

2 Professor and Tropical Leader, School of Business, James Cook

3 Principal Research Fellow, School of Earth and Environmental
Sciences, James Cook University.

Anthony Richardson

Irukandji blooms are predictable


Chris Lane

Managing the impacts of major environmental events and natural hazards


Shannon van Nunen

Coastal Community Engagement: Achieving more than ever before working alongside 14 community groups

van Nunen S. and
Bishop J.

46 KB

Fitzroy Basin Association Inc.

Alana Grech

Guiding principles for the improved governance of port and shipping impacts in the Great Barrier Reef


Kane Nielsen

Maximum Storm Tide Level Recorders Pilot Project

Kane Nielsen and Robert Schwartz

621 KB

Coastal Impacts Unit, Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the
Arts (DSITIA).

Kay Critchell

Abundance, distribution and movement of marine debris in the Southern Great Barrier Reef



Keynote 6 Nick Harvey

Coastal policy in a climate of governmental change”

Keynote 7 Angus Jackson

Coastal management in uncertain times requires vision not computers”

Keynote 8 Melinda Louden


Rapid fire Poster Presentations

1. Joel Hayes

2. Ruth Kamrowski

3. Jenna Brown

4. Colin Wen

5. John Gunn

Joel Bolzenius

Seagrass Friendly Moorings - Repairing Marine Habitats through engaging the boating community

Joel Bolzenius J. and
Korhaliller S.

330 KB

SEQ Catchments Community Partnership Manager,
Redlands Bay and Islands,

SEQ Catchments Communications Officer.

Kayleigh Mast

Yakety-yak: yACS has become a breeding ground for tomorrow’s coastal leaders


Sharon Tickell

Catchment to coast information integration: a South-east Queensland example with national application

Cannard T. 1, Hodge J. 2, Tickell S. 1, Sharman C. 3, Seaton S. 2 and Steven A. 2

1,968 KB

1 CSIRO Marine & Atmospheric Research, Ecosciences Precinct,

2 CSIRO Land & Water, Ecosciences Precinct

3 CSIRO Computational Informatics, Hobart.

Daniel Ware

Littoral Drift – evolution of institutions for managing the long shore transport of sand across the NSW/Queensland Border

Ware D.

[WareDan.pdf] 71 KB

Griffith Centre for Coastal Management, Griffith Climate Change
Response Program, CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship
Griffith Centre for Coastal management, Griffith

Chris Manning

Improving urban stormwater quality management in the Coastal Dry Tropics: a Townsville perspective


Emily Saeck

A vision towards resilient coral reefs successfully adapting to climate change: the Great Barrier Reef Foundation


Jenna Bishop

Persevering to preserve a Ramsar wetland: Shoalwater and Corio Bays

Jenna Bishop J. and
van Nunen S.

483 KB

Fitzroy Basin Association Inc.

John Gunn

Creek to Coral’s Adaptive Reef Rescue with Community


Simon Baltais

Citizen Science – 10 years of Seagrass and Mangrove monitoring by the community has it delivered any benefits?

Baltais S.

[BaltaisSimon.pdf] 91 KB

President Wildlife Queensland

Matt Curnock

Insights into the Human Dimension of the Great Barrier Reef


Kathryn Berry

Coal Pollution in the Marine Environment: a risk to the Great Barrier Reef?


Melissa Bos

Innovative and Strategic Finance for the Great Barrier Reef


Jennifer DeBose

The use of constructed wetlands and sumps as mitigation strategies for agricultural run-off


Eric Wolanski

Estuaries of Australia in 2050 and beyond

Wolanski E. (1) and
Ducrotoy JP (2)

620 KB

(1) James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland, Australia

(2) Institute of Estuarine and Coastal Studies, The University of Hull. U.K.

Heather Zeppel

Local Planning for Climate Adaptation in Coastal Queensland

Zeppel, H.

[ZeppelH.pdf] 115 KB

University of Southern Queensland