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SEQ Catchments Ltd. (SEQC)
SEQ Catchments is a community based business that sources
and coordinates investment in activities that help South
East Queensland to a sustainable future and restores natural
resources for the benefit of future generations.
It is the regional body responsible for the planning and
implementation of integrated Natural Resource Management
(NRM) for South East Queensland and is recognised by the
Australian and Queensland Governments as one of the 15
regional NRM bodies established in Queensland.
SEQ Catchments takes a lead role in coordinating and funding
activities to deliver measurable, long term outcomes to
preserve and manage South East Queensland's natural resources
through community involvement, government and industry
partnerships and innovative on-ground delivery.
SEQ Catchments is a key partner in the delivery of the
Australian Government's "Caring for our Country" Program
in South East Queensland. What We Do
In partnership with the community SEQ Catchments focuses
on targeted on-ground works to achieve resource condition
improvements. We also seek to coordinate and support relevant
scientific research, planning and monitoring.
Through coordinated funding bids and cooperative projects
SEQ Catchments seeks to increase the overall amount of
investment available for the management of natural resource
assets and provide integrated outcomes at a landscape
scale. A key part of this function is to establish long
term investment streams to ensure a more sustainable future
for natural resource management.
SEQ Catchments is incorporated as a company limited by
guarantee, and is jointly owned by two community-based
organisations, Natural Resource Management South East
Queensland (NRMSEQ) and South East Queensland Western
Catchments Group (SEQ WCG).
NRMSEQ and SEQWCG provide a vital link back to the community
via their Board members representing the views of local
governments, urban and rural industries, coastal &
marine community groups, Landcare groups, environmental
groups and landowners. Want to know more?
Contact SEQ Catchments on 07 3211 4404 or visit our
website at www.seqcatchments.com.au |
Conference Organisers
Qld Coastal Conference 2009
International Conferences and Events (ICE) Australia Pty
183 Albion St, Surry Hills
Sydney, Australia
T: +61 2 9368 1200
Offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth |