2nd Queensland Coastal Conference
The second Queensland Coastal Conference was held on the Gold
Coast from 13-15 May, 2009 and the Queensland Coastal Councils
Forum on 12 May 2009.
After the resounding success of the inaugural Queensland Coastal
Conference in 2007, the 2009 'Waves of Change' Queensland Coastal
Conference was an opportunity to broaden the understanding of
how management and planning of the Queensland coast is evolving.
The Queensland Coastal Conference 2009 was not just about learning
of new developments in natural resource management, but also
a balanced discussion of practical, on-ground coastal management
and the policies and programs that inform coastal zone management
in Queensland.
The 2009 conference location also provided a fantastic opportunity
to experience one of Queensland's most iconic coastlines. The
Gold Coast is home to golden surf beaches, fine dining restaurants
and theme parks, which provides an exciting backdrop to the
2009 Queensland Coastal Conference and associated social program
and field trips.
The 2009 Conference program featured a number of outstanding
speakers, several concurrent sessions, workshops and poster
presentations. It attracted over 250 delegates from Queensland
and beyond and provided a wonderful opportunity to meet and
extend contacts.
Delegates included Commonwealth, State and Local Governments,
Natural Resource Management regional bodies, leading research
and education organisations, coastal and marine industries,
coastal and marine consultants, managers, planners and engineers,
NGOs, user groups, indigenous groups and many other community
Sean Galvin, SEQ Catchments Ltd.
Queensland Coastal Conference 2009 Chairperson.
Toni Edmondson, Environmental Protection Agency.
Queensland Coastal Conference 2009 Vice Chairperson. |
Organising Committee.
Sean Galvin, SEQ Catchments Ltd. Chair
Toni Edmondson, EPA. Vice Chair.
Dave Patmore, DEWHA
Jason Vains, GBRMPA
Sue Sargent, BMRG
Cheryl List, BMRG
Shane Westley, FBA.
Leonie Maddigan, BDTNRM
Lisa Hamblin, NGNRM.
Steve McDermott - FNQ NRM
Greg Stuart, DHI
Natalie Mogg, QWaLC
John Hunter, ILMF, Southern Queensland
John Gunn, HESROC
Neil Tindale, University of the Sunshine Coast.
Melissa George, Qld Indigenous Network Facilitator.
Tony Dillon, Kombumerri Gold Coast Sea/Landscape Consultants, SEQTOA
John Lane, EPA.
Ron Archer, Northern Gulf Indigenous Savannah Group.
Leah Saltner, Land & Sea Management Coordinator.
Shannon Hunt, Gold Coast City Council. |
Marketing Sub-Committee.
Natalie Mogg – (Chair).
Sue Sargent
Cheryl List
Program Sub-Committee.
John Gunn. (Chair).
Dave Patmore
Natalie Mogg
Greg Stuart
Neil Tindale
Leah Saltner
Jason Vains
John Lane
Shannon Hunt
Sponsorship and Exhibition Sub-Committee.
Leonie Maddigan - (Chair).
Dave Patmore
Sue Sargent
Cheryl List
Ron Archer
Social Program Sub-Committee.
Toni Edmondson (Chair).
Sean Galvin
Greg Stuart
Tony Dillon
Shannon Hunt
Website Sub-Committee.
Cheryl List - (Chair).
Sue Sargent
Leonie Maddigan
Toni Edmondson.
Working group
Greg Stuart - (Chair).
Sean Galvin
Sue Sargent and
Cheryl List
Steve McDermott
Shannon Hunt |
QCC Information
To find out information about the other Queensland Coastal Conferences
please follow this link: Queensland
Costal Conference |